ziera'z Gallery

ziera'z Gallery
Just Be Strong

Sunday, February 07, 2010

not finished yet....

hari nie start game...qualification round...
hmm shoot ade rase sikit..tp arrow xbrape nk masuk...
first round 307...second...318...standard score...625...ranking 11...
esok lawan ngn hongkong first match...insyaallah....i will do the best...
pliz pray for me n team malaysia....

Thursday, February 04, 2010

competition this upcoming saturday..

--bulan januari berlalu dgn seribu peristiwa...kini bulan februari pula mendatang dgn cepatnye..hehe hmm ape yg aku merepek nie..game dh dekat nie..cm xcaye jer..1st Asian Grand Prix kat Keramat..6hb smpai 11hb....aku harap aku akan buat skor yg terbaik sebagaimana yg pernah aku buat masa trening kat sane last week...
-- tp aku skang shoot ntah ape2...merapu jer..arrow xnk grouping..aku jd cm xconfident nk game..aduss...ya allah...tolonglah hambamu ini.....